Selfishness vs philanthropy: Can a balance be struck?
Give when you can or give all the time?
We all consider being selfish as a negative attribute. Saying no to helping others to ensure self satisfaction first.
What if we replaced selfishness with self — value? Maybe that is how some used to look at Bill Gates a few years ago, when he was regarded as the richest man in the world. With great fortune comes greater media pressure to instigate new views.
An entrepreneur from a very young age, every dollar he earned was churned into the next innovation for the market. People used to keep asking — why not contribute to charity?
Today, Gates foundation is the most charitable foundation that acts openly to help the world today. In fact, today Bill Gates spends his time making innovations to enhance the world.
Think about it: If Bill Gates did not work at scale and continuously transform every dollar he earned today in to 10x more value tomorrow, the world would have missed out on his philanthropy in today’s world. Being so called ‘selfish’ brought forth ‘philanthropy’ decades later
And this certainly is worth thinking about: It is alright to give only 10% of what you have today to the world, because then you can invest the rest 90% of your wealth to do much better tomorrow.
We all must be selfish — but with the intention to be philanthropic one day. Stay deaf to what others say about your actions for unless you take care of yourself today, you cannot take care of the world tomorrow.
But when we can, we should be philanthropic. Being selfish does not mean to say no to every request. Sometimes there are some priceless help that we can do for others like patiently listening, or lifting up their emotions with our words.
What you and I ‘know’ is merely what people ‘reveal’. Many a times good dead are kept silent to keep away any possible judgment. And limited vision always makes it hard to make a statement.
Yet, in the pursuit of helping others, do not forget to take care of yourself. It may seem selfish today but actually is empowering you for tomorrow.