Everything is a game in life!
One must try to discern the rules, the winning point and the path to it.
We all love playing games. The key elements of a game include:
- Winning criteria
- Rules of playing
- Constraints in the system
Take Chess for examples. We have 32 pieces on 64 squares, each having its own rule for motion and inter-relation where victory goes to the one who conquers the enemy first. Of course, it takes time to practice this but eventually we get a hold of it.
Some get fascinated by the possible variations, the implications each has and how it further unfolds from gambits, zugzwang and beyond. While the rest do not find it fascinating and move on in life.
Nevertheless, the game is clearly structured and straight forward once the rules are clear in the mind. There are several other games from sports, video games and racing events that serve examples for the three point model mentioned above.
Now, what if I told you everything is a game in life? Think about it.
Our society has knowingly or unknowingly grown in this manner. We have an objective to attain, commonly accepted means to attain it and real world limitations to it.
We go to school in order:
- to gain basic education, if possible, with distinction
- by writing the exams and scoring marks
- in a given time frame and condition
We work in order:
- to earn for your family and gain respect in the society (& any other reason)
- by meeting the goals set before us and meeting expectation
- within the deadline set and with available resources
We make friends in order:
- to meet our emotional and interpersonal needs
- by finding reasons of similarities and attachment
- knowing that we are imperfect but tolerable
I know the line between these three points seems to be hazy but you can see that if you think deep enough, you can break down any event as a game. Now if you buy in to this idea, one might realize that it is similar to coding a class in a program and making objects of it, each time providing different parameters.
Does this mean human life can be simulated? Well, lets not take this discussion in that trajectory just yet!
So what is the take away from this analogy?
We perform well in the games we enjoy
Those who are good in networking enjoy bonding with new people and discovering new events every day. The memorable teachers knew how to connect with her students and best express the concept.
Not every game suits you
The ability to excel can be innate but nearly every skill can be developed if trained. But that does not mean it will suit everyone — you cannot expect a lean person to be a phenomenal wrestler due to the lack of proper physique for the task.
One might not be biologically able to gain weight and so may not be able to play that game well but that is alright! It is natural to accept it and move on to discover other sports.
Games can be re-made in different formats
This might be controversial zone but when you think about it, football is for the foot what basket ball is for the arms. There are several events in life that are analogous with mild differences so relearning, or rather, comprehending the rules will not be hard.
Games can be competitive, collaborative or both
Cooking as a family can be quite fulfilling. Cooking on MasterChef can be excruciating. Cooking for a pooled lunch in the community can be a mix of both.
Finding the balance between competition and collaboration in life can be quite challenging because on one hand we need to proceed together but at the same time one must stand out from the rest. Sometimes it takes team work to get far in life.
You can invent your own game, and there are no limits to your imagination!
Sherlock believes he is consultant detective and so he is! You can become who ever you wish to be if you put your mind in to it. All you need is a mission for your path, socially acceptable rules to abide and understandable limitations on the path towards it.
No mission is impossible to complete in a game!
Always be prepared for the randomly spawning enemies for the test your presence of mind. Your choices have consequences, and not everything is what it looks from the surface. It takes experience and intuition to get past these timid tides in life.
Determination is the key that separates the best from the rest. Learn to confront your problems and then the world is your oyster!
So with this new perspective, take a look around you and appreciate how now the question to your laziness boils to: Do you want to win this game?