A bit too much of anything ain’t good
Cutting the barriers but not the limits
This is the one point that my parents would always tell me. Be it gaming, academics or anything else.
We tend to become workaholics when passion gets fueled in. As a result, we give into our craving and desire, with the intention of giving it our full effort. But the problem is exhaustion takes a hold of us and we become less productive later.
Too much of anything is an addiction — a state where your mind loses control and we tend to give less attention to other matters. It is always better to follow the purpose rather than the passion. We stop looking at quality and give focus on quantity unknowingly.
Over time, addiction cuts us out from the rest and we begin to loose ties with a lot of other matters.
When you manage to balance and optimize the existing tasks, you will be able to squeeze in time for the things you want to focus more, but that is when you are ready only.
Blank spaces help the mind refresh — the step most of us miss out in the rat raced world. Sitting idle in the room may seem useless but is actually rest for the mind to better function later.
So let yourself have a break to refresh. Choose that walk in the park over another hour of coding. Give your mind a variety to digest and you will find yourself delivering better in your task.